Month: April 2016

Letter from the Publisher
In my 20s, you could say that I was a nomad. Within six years, I lived in Virginia, Seattle, South Korea, and then back to […]
The Power of Expression
By Jennifer Patterson Lorenzetti Print Syndicate is different. There are many places, online and off, where a consumer can buy quirky T-shirts or mugs. But […]
Top-Flight Leader
By Deborah Rutledge It’s fitting that CareWorks MCO’s President and COO Dennis Duchene grew up in Dayton and attended the University of Dayton, considering the […]

How a PEO Keeps Small Businesses Focused
By Jennifer Patterson Lorenzetti Ask your local catering company owners what they need to succeed in business, and you’re likely to hear a tale of […]

The Difference Between MCOs and TPAs
By Deborah Rutledge Managed Care Organizations MCOs are the primary link between injured workers, medical providers, employers and the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. MCOs […]

The Skills Gap
By Julie Bethlenfalvy Ohio’s economy is slowly improving but employers are still having difficulty filling jobs. Workers applying for these jobs lack the skills to […]

What Prospective Billing Means for Your Business
By Deborah Rutlege The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation joined much of the rest of the insurance industry when it switched from retrospective to prospective […]

One Goal in Mind
By Eric Spangler As one of 15 managed care organizations (MCOs) that contract with the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC), Health Management Solutions has […]

1-888-OhioComp Aggressively Manages Employer Claims
By Mike Boyer Privately owned MCOs, or Managed Care Organizations, play a critical role in the Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation (BWC) system, which provides […]