7th Annual Ohio Success Awards
Ohio’s strength as a growing and thriving business center and land of opportunity is built upon its businesses, non-profits, and governmental organizations’ success along with the partnerships they form amongst each other to benefit communities.
Ohio Business Magazine presents the 7th Annual Ohio Success Awards, honoring the most successful and consistent organizations and leaders across our state. Winners will be recognized as a cover feature in the Spring 2025 issue of Ohio Business Magazine and a following celebratory event.
Click here to check out the Ohio Success Awards 2024 Feature!
Questions? Please contact Madelyn Webb at [email protected]
Ohio’s strength as a growing and thriving business center and land of opportunity is built upon its businesses, non-profits and governmental organizations’ success along with the partnerships they form amongst each other to benefit communities.
The Ohio Success Awards will honor annually the most successful and consistent of these organizations and leaders across our state.
The Ohio Success Awards will recognize the accomplishments of:
- Companies that have demonstrated growth both in revenue and employees, as well as having demonstrated involvement in their community and service in their industry
- Non-profits that have made a significant impact upon the communities they serve
- Governmental organizations that have created unique value or opportunities based upon their ingenuity, partnership, and perseverance
- Leaders, amongst these from all above, that have demonstrated beyond comparison that their efforts have made lasting impact
The event will also serve as a forum for you to connect with other decision makers on the issues and objectives throughout the state.
To reflect more clearly of Ohio’s business vitality, we welcome the participation of divisions of companies who are headquartered outside of Ohio if you can provide net revenue and employment figures originated within the state of Ohio.