Professionals will gather in Dayton this week for the 2023 Heritage Ohio Annual Conference
By Emily Wolfe
Tickets are still available for the 2023 Heritage Ohio Annual Preservation & Revitalization Conference, scheduled for Oct. 10-12 in downtown Dayton.
The conference will take place at the Dayton Arcade, a centerpiece of Dayton’s downtown and a prime example of historic architecture given new life. Many conference sessions will take Dayton and other Ohio towns and cities as case studies in historic revitalization.
Conference attendees can take part in tours of downtown Dayton, the Aviation Heritage Museum National Park and other historical attractions.

The program includes sessions hosted by JobsOhio, the Ohio Development Services Agency and the Ohio Arts Council. Another session will look ahead to Ohio’s participating in the nation’s 250th birthday celebration in 2026.
Heritage Ohio describes the conference’s aim as bringing Ohio leaders together to “increase support and awareness of historic preservation, revitalization and vibrant Main Street communities.” Past cities to host the conference include Toledo and Springfield.
Tickets for the full three-day conference are $350 for Heritage Ohio Members and $400 for non-members, with single day passes starting at $150. View the conference schedule at heritageohioconference.com.